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My Services


SEO Strategy

Many self-proclaimed SEOs approach search engine optimisation from a tactical standpoint, resulting in short-term results that hardly benefit businesses. I will help you build a solid SEO strategy that helps you thrive in your industry even if search engines are against you!

10+ Projects

Content Management

Don't have a content marketing strategy or the time to execute a strategy? I am a safe hand for your business! I can help you develop and maintain your content marketing machine while you focus on the most vital aspects of your business operations.

10+ Projects


I have written successful SEO-driven content for multiple B2Bs and SaaS companies, from blogs to case studies, hot-to guides, website content, newsletters, social media content, and any other thing worth writing. Let me help you write it from brief to success!

2K+ Projects

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FinidiWrites Content Marketing. Nigeria
+2347054112763 |